Madrid is recognized a Tree
City of the World
2019 by FAO and the Arbor Day Foundation
The municipality manages over 655,000 trees.
Information about each of these trees is available such as:
- height
- trunk diameter
- crown diameter
- species and genus
- geographic coordinates
- ...
This is one of the most important datasets for our challenge.
The dataset contains all the trees managed by the Municipality, excluding trees in parks and gardens, areas of property or areas of recent construction not yet received by the Municipality.
You can obtain the dataset in csv format with the coordinates in latitude and longitude in WGS84 (epsg:4326) by downloading the file
- (61Mb) (last update 28/11/2020)
- (9,8Mb) (last update 28/11/2020)
- plantation_plan_2019_20.csv (196Kb)
- pruning_plan_2019_2020.csv (66Kb)
- wooded_historical_unique_and_forest_parks_2019.csv (9,2Kb)
the dataset contains the id (objecid) of each tree of Madrid with the information about the Carbon Dioxide stock (c_stock) and sequestation (c_seq) both in Kg CO2
source code: matreed_preprocessing.ipynb
the dataset contains the informatiom about Carbon Dioxide stock (c_stock) and sequestation (c_seq) both in Kg CO2 of each district of Madrid
source code: matreed_preprocessing.ipynb
the tree grates are the places planned to host a tree long a street (most are already used).
This dataset can be used as support for you project.
Check also the datasets present on the section
Arbolado en parques y zonas verdes de Madrid
of the opendata portal of Madrid.
You can also access the datasets from the ArcGIS Catalog via RestAPI from this end point
The end-point
contains additional attributes
The data is open data and is licensed under these conditions
The general conditions allow the reuse of data for commercial and non-commercial purposes. You have to cite the origin of the data as Madrid City Council and not suggest the Madrid City Council supports your work
Please read the complete license here in particular the section relative to the *Condiciones generales para la reutilización*
in the cases of the datasets:
- neighbourhoods_areakm2_co2_stock_sequestration.csv